Tithoreon Elaion

Olive Oil Association of Western Locris

The soils where we installed the high density linear crops of olive varieties Arbequina, are smooth, without large gradients and mild to moderate composition, so that the olive-collectors can move easily and without difficulty .

Before planting the seedlings we proceeded in the following steps:

  • Complete soil analysis and analysis of irrigation water.
  • Deep tearing of the soil at a depth of 50 cm and then leveling of the field.
  • Removal of large rocks.
  • Construction of drainage channels.

The trees we planted were very young, 6 to 12 months, with a clear height from 30 to 60 cm, shaped monoclonal.

Young olive trees, once planted, stood exactly in the shape monokone, as little cypresses with a central stem-axis that reached 2.5 meters.

The second year after planting, the seedlings reached the final desired height (2.1 to 2.5 m) and then the process of pruning began.

A prerequisite for the installation of high density linear olive groves is the existence of irrigated water. We used drip irrigation, with drippers for 4 liters per hour. Briefly there were irrigations for 2 to 4 days and each irrigation lasted about 3 hours.

The high density linear olive groves have great demands (inputs) in fertilizers.The types of fertilization vary depending on the season and they are divided into three periods:

  • In the period April-June when we use nitrogen fertilization.
  • In the period June-August when we use fertilization with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal proportion.
  • In the period September-October when we use potassium fertilization.

All fertilizers are furnished to trees via irrigation water and the quantities depend on the results of soil analysis and leaf analysis.